Personal Loans for Emergencies and Opportunities


Personal loans are for those expenses that roll into your day without any warning. It might be the cost of a car engine that quits on the freeway, or travel expenses for a sudden but necessary trip.

You can be a pretty good money manager and still experience the occasional event that throws you off your plans. The washing machine that was going to last 20 years? Sometimes it gives up as soon as it’s out of warranty. And sometimes life presents opportunities that are too good to pass up—too good even if they aren’t in your budget right this minute.

Personal loans are, well, personal.

Here are some expenses you might cover with a personal loan:

  • Medical or Dental

  • Infertility Treatments or Adoption

  • Household Purchases or Services

  • Weddings, Celebrations, Funerals

  • Taxes, Debt Consolidation

  • & More

Reach out to a Financial Consultant at Cy-Fair FCU to explore our diverse range of Personal Loan options. Experience the convenience of funds disbursed directly to you, along with flexible repayment terms of up to 5 years, speedy approvals, and pre-approvals, all without pre-payment penalties. Enjoy competitive, fixed rates. We're also available to discuss alternative solutions, tailored to your needs and qualifications.

Cy-Fair FCU